Message From: Mrs. Kutsko for the Blue and Dolphin Classes , for the class

Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is doing well. I know the old saying “April showers bring May flowers” but I would be grateful for some warm, sunny days!  
I hope that all of you have a chance to practice writing your names. You all were doing such a great job with your writing!  If you get tired doing your name look in a favorite book and try writing some new words. Making a card for someone special would be a fun thing to do!
Here are some other ideas to practice your letters and your fine motor skills. 
Use water and a paint brush to write letters on the sidewalk. 
Make letters out of Lego Blocks. 
Use chalk to write letters on the sidewalk. 
Read a favorite book and look for the letters in your name on each page. 
Write your name in rainbow colors. 
Ask an adult to help you staple some papers together to make a book. Write a story           
and draw pictures.  When you are done, read your story to your family.                                  
Ask an adult to put a thin layer of salt on a tray or a plate.  Use your finger to “write”       
letters, words or your name in the salt.  

I hope you find some of these ideas fun to do.  Take care and know that we miss all of you very much!




Message From: Ms.Haley and Ms.Brittney , for the class

Hi Friends!! 


Here is something you can try/do everyday at home without using the internet! 



Message From: Giraffe Class from Ms. Martin and Ms. McCabe , for the class

Draw a picture of you and your family!  Tell a story of what you and your family are doing in the picture. Would love for you to post a video or photo of your picture and story, so we can all see your work of art!

Message From: Oliver Brown , for the class

Hello Teachers & Friends! We miss you!

Message From: To the Giraffe Class from Ms. Martin and Ms. McCabe , for the class

We miss seeing all of you every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!

Remember our song?

Today is Thursday, Thursday, Thursday

today is Thursday all day long!

If any of you would like to do a Zoom visit, please leave us a message here or email me at

Our class list of phone numbers and email addresses is locked in our teacher cabinet at school.  This is the only way we to get in touch with everyone. 
I know you all miss seeing your classmates, so let us know if you are interested.

Message From: Ms Tracy, Ms Gina & Ms Maria for the Green/Frog class , for the class

We have all missed our students and hope that everyone is staying safe and having fun at home!

Here are some of the things I have been doing over the last month:

While walking my dog Maria around my neighborhood and through the woods near my house I see lots of fun things like chalk drawings, messages on rocks and lots of beautiful flowers and even some animals including turtles, deer, bunnies, hawks and the occasional stuffed animal.

I have been spending time cooking with my kids, we even made mango coconut icecream and I have been playing board games and card games with my entire family.

I have really enjoyed having weekly google chat playdates with the Green class just seeing your faces makes me smile.

I have attached two different scavenger hunt activities here I hope you will enjoy!

Ms Tracy

Message From: Preschool friends!! , for the class

Wacky Wednesday! 
This weather is tricky because it looks so nice but feels chilly. 

Today look for shapes around the house or on a walk. See how a table is made from rectangles or circles for the sink, toilet bowl, or flower pots. 

Check out this website.

-Draw a picture with shapes. 
-in the bottom left there is a gray outlines picture pick one and fill in the shapes to complete the picture. 

– make a pattern with colors or shapes

Message From: Mrs. Kutsko and Mrs. Wheeler for the Blue and Dolphin Classes , for the class

Happy Earth Day Everyone!  We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Today is the day we celebrate our Earth. There are so many things we can do to care for our planet. We all know to recycle and reuse the things we can. And we can take care of our own spaces. Put our toys away and clean our rooms.  With our grownup’s help we can clean up our yards and the spaces around our homes.
A fun thing to do it to take empty boxes, empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls and pieces of cardboard to make something.  You can take an empty box or a paper bag and decorate it with markers or crayons.  Maybe it can be a home for a special toy.  When I was little I would make beds for my dolls and stuffed animals.  And we know superheroes all need a place to sleep too!  An old shoe box can become a playhouse or fort for your small toy figures.  As always be sure to ask Mom or Dad for permission first.  
Can you think of other things we can do to take care of our Earth?
I hope everyone has a chance to get outside and enjoy this beautiful spring day! 
Take care and we miss you all!



Message From: Ms. Kathleen , for the class

Hello Everyone! I am seeing more and more signs of spring! I hope you are still looking around your house and neighborhood. Lots and lots of things are growing. Some leaves are very, very small still so you will have to look very closely. Also, if you are very quiet you may even be able to see some baby animals. Look at what I saw in my backyard today next to my shed!